
Introduction to Django - Online Shopping Website

  DJANGO is an open source and free Python Web framework. Framework is a library of reusable modules. It defines a structure for our application. There are lots of popular websites built with Django such as Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest.  For more information about popular websites, click here! NOW IT'S PROJECT TIME ! NOTE: You can find the project in my GitHub repo. https://github.com/haticeaydinn/PyShop Creating Django Project Create a python project. Install django library.  Pip install django==2.1 Create a django project. Django-admin startproject pyshop . Run development web server. Python manage.py runserver Creating Apps Apps are functional areas in our project like “product management” or “customer management”. Each app is a python package. Create an app package Python manage.py startapp products We created a package called “products”. We’ll use this app as our product management function. Creating Views For Apps View is basically a function that gets called by Django when

Python Günlükleri 5 - Inheritance, Modüller, Packages, PEP8, Dosya/Dizin ve Pypi/Pip

Python Günlükleri 4 - Fonksiyonlar, Parametreler, Exception, Class

Python Günlükleri 3 - List, Tuple, Unpacking, Dictionary